
#PaskuhanTips : How to survive UST Paskuhan

Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's that time of the year and I know most us has been waiting all year to see what's in store in this year's Paskuhan celebration. This is my second year studying in UST and hopefully, my second Paskuhan (Read my previous Paskuhan feature, UST Paskuhan 2013). It's been quite the struggle really. I knew that there would be a lot of people, but I did not expect that it'd be that many. Note that UST's Paskuhan celebration will be on December 8, 2014 Monday - be there. Moving on, I know that it's a pain to go to UST's Paskuhan if it's your first time or if you and your friends are new to the event. Well here's some #PaskuhanTips I want to share with you to help you prepare for the event.

Be on you most comfortable outfit.
Paskuhan's not the right time for you to wear high heals, long dresses or nice kicks. Trust me when I say that you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Note that it'll be within the UST field and there's a good chance that it'll rain, again, and every nice thing your wearing will just be covered in mud. Besides, you won't be able to enjoy it as much if you'd be walking around uncomfortable.

Familiarize yourself with the place. Determine a place to meet.
UST grounds will be packed with tons of people, there'd be loads of cellphone signals and there'd be no signal at all once your inside UST, literally the moment you enter the university. It'd be hard to text and call each other once you're inside. It's better to have a meeting place that all your friends know so that you won't spend the whole time looking for one another.

Don't have a place to spend the night? Don't worry!
There are tons of places where you can spend the night around UST, there are restaurants, internet cafes and other places that you can continue the party.

Bring a mat, or anything where you could sit on with your friends.
Whether it rains or not, you'd end up tired and sitting on a nice mat with your friends is just perfect for the night. The seats around the field would be occupied by the time you get there anyways. It's also good to find a good spot where you could watch this year's fireworks display.

UMBRELLAS. Never ever forget your umbrella at home.

No matter how bright the sun is before you go to UST, always have your umbrella with you. Always assume the rain.

Lastly, go to the venue earlier, roads and streets around UST will be clogged up with traffic by the time the sun sets. Besides, there are loads of fun things you could do before you rev up for the Paskuhan blast. 

Also, KD Events and Productions will be having an #AfterPaskuhan Party from 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM at V. Concepcion St., Dapitan St. For more info, refer to the photo below. 

See you at Paskuhan 2014 Full Blast!

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